
Practise delivering your technical sessions and sales pitches with Meeting Coach to help you hone your skills before doing it for real with your accounts/customers


If you are working with client accounts where you have to share knowledge and information in a 1-2 hour session or in a lunch and learn then you need MeetingCoach.

MeetingCoach helps you practise in a safe environment with people who will give you structured and fair feedback.

We know how valuable it is to be able to practise delivering complex technical messages and new product information before you are faced with decision makers for real.

Presenting to the Onswitch team (who all have relevant experience as vets, nurses, customer care associates, pet owners and managers) in an environment that closely reflects the real thing, is invaluable.

The Onswitch team provide a simulation environment so you can practise delivering your message to an audience made up of people just like your decision makers.

We’ll film the sessions which take place over Zoom so you can watch back at your leisure and tweak your delivery or change the content as required.

This feedback will help you focus and reflect on what went well and what you can do differently next time, as that next time is with your real clients and decision makers.

This feedback can feed into team workshops which can help you make the most of the time you have with your decision makers and clients. Practise makes perfect, so why not practise with us?


• A film of your session so you can reflect
• Written feedback from each of the MeetingCoach attendees
• A senior Onswitch team member will review your recording (they will not be a delegate) and they will give you structured feedback via MP4 file

This feedback will help you focus and reflect on what went well and what you can do differently next time, as that next time is with your real clients and decision makers.

Meeting Coach sessions are costed at a per person who undergoes feedback – £750+VAT per person per hour


Now: Click the ‘Arrange Now’ button to let us know you would like to go ahead with Meeting Coach, how many team members for and a timeline to suit.

Soon: The Onswitch Team will be in touch to arrange appropriate dates for Meeting Coach to take place, Zoom links and PO requests.

Later: You will deliver your workshop session and the Onswitch team will provide your feedback within 2 weeks of the meeting.